Friday, March 04, 2011

MISSING: My Daughter’s 2 Imaginary Friends!

A funny thing happened when my son was born 9 months ago - my daughter’s 2 longtime colorful imaginary friends, “Sauna and Nana” just sort of disappeared.

I’m actually a little sad about this discovery because I really enjoyed hearing their stories of globetrotting the world in an instant. Their superhuman abilities to stay up late every night and never get tired or cranky. Their super advanced skin that never required bathing and could still remain cleaner than a sink. Their mysterious ability to eat candy for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, but still have spotless teeth and a thriving immune system.

I was even fond of their parents, Chuck and Doris (I swear she made those up on her own) but sadly never had a chance to meet because they worked for all sorts of famous people like, the Wiggles, the Doodlebops, Lionel Richie, and as of last year Justin Bieber.

When I inquired as to their whereabouts at dinner tonight my daughter said with confidence that the last time she saw them they were going to get candy in Paris but never came home.

Maybe they got lost in Ohio?

So I put together this MISSING IMAGINARY FRIENDS poster hoping we could find them:

"Missing Imaginary Friends Poster" (click to print)

And since we’re looking for Sauna and Nana, my daughter was hoping to find her MISSING UNICORN she lost last year at IKEA as well:

"Missing Unicorn Poster" (click to print)

And since we’re open to helping friends, I hear Lionel could use some help too:

Are you looking for Lionel Richie?
"Hello, Is it me you're looking for?"
(click to print)


  1. Gee, that poster looks familiar. ;)

    i need to make a poster for my missing muse. not sure where she went. maybe she's riding a purple hippo with Sauna and Nana.

  2. Man, you have the funniest posts in the blogosphere! I can barely write this, I'm laughing so much!

    Obviously your daughter is brilliant, because she's so creative!

    But your way of taking that brilliant creativity, and weaving it into a post like this is ingenious!

    And as an aside: The woman on the unicorn is hot--I've added that photo to "my favorites" list! And it makes me realize something. I've always wondered why women were so fond of unicorns--yet seeing that photo, now I know why! Unicorns are horny, though in a "non-threatening" way! (And my humor is corny, though in a "non-threatening" way!)

  3. That Lionel Ritchie poster is very creative. Saw it on Facebook, and had to find more about it.

  4. Yes Lionel, it is you I've been looking for.


  5. Sorry Lionel, It's definitely NOT you I'm looking for.


  6. Hi Tony thanks for coming by an d commenting. I appreciate your visit.

    Oh yes I shall be on the look out for Sauna and Nana - maybe they have flown off to India on Alladin 's magic carpet. With good ole Lionel in tow.

    It so wonderful that you play along with your daughter 's imaginary friends - my parents would rebuke me - but I had plenty of imaginary playmates in my childhood

  7. Hello?

    I'm trying to track down the creator of the Lionel Richie poster. Is it you?!

  8. Anonymous4:26 PM

    Saw the Lionel on facebook --- nice

  9. I thought your poster showed up in Duluth, but now it looks like there is more than one out there.

  10. Anonymous9:41 AM

    I can sing this tune, but had forgotten some of the words - Does this mean that I'm old? (forgetting some words, that is!)

    I am loving your blog! Thank you for sharing your creativity!
